How To Update An Eichler Kitchen

You love your Eichler home (or are considering purchasing one) and wish to update it to meet your current lifestyle while respecting the integrity of the original mid-century modern design. In our experience starting with the kitchen can be the most satisfying step forward, both in your quality of living and in improving the value of the property.

Kitchen design has evolved over time so it’s important to objectively look at the existing layout relative to how you would prefer to use it.  Does the circulation space connect to the desired adjacent areas? Are the workstations spaced and organized appropriately for the number of users? Would it be helpful to have customizations, such as heavyweight drawers for an inherited cast iron collection, or a counter-integrated motor thats run both a blender and mixer, enabling an easily shift from making cookie dough to mixing cocktails, or perhaps a built-in aviary for the safety of your family parrot while cooking?  

These are just some of the thought provoking parameters we’ve received while developing designs for clients, so we recommend investing some time in considering what modifications would best suit your family.  It may be gratifying to know that it’s entirely possible to integrate a design that fulfills your goals and honors the original design intent of an Eichler.

For one of our Eichler renovations the home had an internal wall that truncated the kitchen access to the living room and visually separated the center courtyard from the backyard. Through clever engineering, we removed this wall and created a more open experience for our clients, a busy family of four.

Would you like to discuss options for remodeling your Eichler?  Click here for further details.