Home Renovation During a Pandemic?

Since the coronavirus stay-at-home order has us all spending much more time in our homes than ever, you may be noticing some changes you would like to make to give your space a refresh. Has your extended time inside your home revealed some flaws in how well your space functions to support your needs? 

Do you wish your home had more connection with the outdoors? Does having a dedicated home office now top your priority list? Would it be nice to have spaces better accommodate multiple people simultaneously involved in different activities? If it’s become apparent that your home isn’t serving your needs and you’re ready for a change, starting a renovation project now is actually a great time. 

That’s right, we advise to not wait for life to get back to some version of normal. It may seem counterintuitive, but putting off home design projects until later will put you at a disadvantage. While these are indeed uncertain times, there are definite benefits for homeowners that choose to renovate now.  

Choosing to remodel your home now means you can take advantage of very low-interest rates. Home equity loan rates are currently about 5.23%* and home equity lines of credit rates are about 5.39%**. And remember that the interest you pay on home equity loans and home equity lines of credit, or HELOCs, is tax-deductible if the money is used to remodel, repair, or otherwise improve the value of the home that secures the loan.

Most home renovations require a few months to develop the plans, determine your budget, and make selections. Much of the predesign and design process does not need in-person meetings in order to move forward. Unlike other architecture firms, working virtually with clients is not new for us. Eisenmann Architecture was already set up in the cloud and able to keep our quality of service at the high standard our clients are accustomed to. 

We offer virtual client meetings to make this process safer and we follow strict guidelines for any home visits to measure spaces and take photos of the existing conditions. In addition to video calls and screen shares, we use 3D modeling and offer Virtual Reality experiences for project walkthroughs and material selections through your own phone or iPad. Pre-pandemic, our team used these tools to save on driving time and to allow maximum flexibility for our clients, especially those living out of state. The contractors and subcontractors we work with practice social distancing and follow the rules to keep the worksite a safe environment.

As the building industry continuously adapts to this new normal, cities are slowly getting systems in place for online submittals and virtual approvals. By starting the design process now, you’ll be able to move forward with getting the permitting process completed, as well as get on contractors’ (and subcontractors’) schedules as soon as possible. The longer you wait to begin your project, the longer it will be to start construction, and the longer you’ll continue to live in a home that isn’t best suited for your lifestyle. 

Another reason to start your renovation now instead of waiting? The Eisenmann Architecture collaborative approach to the design process is a benefit to our clients whether during normal times or a pandemic. We custom tailor our services to the homeowner’s goals, their typical style, and their timetable. In these current times, our team’s flexibility is essential for quickly adapting to the surprises and unforeseen challenges that 2020 may bring. Learn more about our design process: https://www.eisenmannarchitecture.com/design-process



Eisenmann Architecture